QB - RB - WR - TE - K - D
(coming soon)
Fantasy Football Keeper League Rankings |
2015 Fantasy Football Keeper Rankings Rookies
2014 Fantasy Football Keeper Rankings Rookies
2013 Fantasy Football Rookie Rankings Rookies
2012 Fantasy Football Keeper Rankings Rookies
2011 Fantasy Football Rookie Rankings
2010 Fantasy Football Keeper League Rankings |
2010 Fantasy Football Keeper League Rankings
2009 Fantasy Football Keeper League Rankings |
2009 Fantasy Football Keeper League Rankings
2008 Fantasy Football Keeper League Rankings |
2008 Fantasy Football Keeper League Rankings
2007 Fantasy Football Keeper League Rankings
2007 Fantasy Football Keeper League Rankings
How We Rank
Here are some of the factors we use to come up with such kick-ass keeper rankings: |
Average Games Played per Year
Three Year QB Rating Average
Starting Status
Backup to Shitty Starter
Pro Bowl
Running Backs
Primary Ballcarrier
Heir Apparent
Goal Line / Third Down Potential
Injury History
Lifetime Attempts
Offensive Line Quality
Wide Receiver
QB Quality
Third Year
Supporting Cast
Shitty Defense
Tight Ends
QB Quality
Blocking Ability
Short WR's
Shitty Goal Line Back