@rishi_nangia Sets #QFL Scoring Record
Rishi’s Original Q franchise in the Original QFL set a scoring record in week 2. His 124.15 points are good for 10th place all-time (not counting Masters, Thrice or Quattro).…
Rishi’s Original Q franchise in the Original QFL set a scoring record in week 2. His 124.15 points are good for 10th place all-time (not counting Masters, Thrice or Quattro).…
Going unmentioned in yesterday’s SuperQuince post was the fact that Brockman also set a scoring record in week 10. NOJOQ now holds the #5 overall all-time high score in Deuce…
Rank Score Team Year 1 155.25 Qonies 2014
Shades’ Quintorris Jones franchise now owns the #5 overall all-time high score record after week 8 domination of QBC. Starting lineup: Foles Charles Nelson Gronk Hilton Watkins Bryant Miami D…
Multiple sources confirm the Deuce franchise Sqyline Qonies scored 155.24 points in week 8. The score is the highest ever recorded in QFL Nation history, smashing FahQs previous record of…
A Brockman run team has been leading QFL Nation in scoring every week of the 2014 season so far. This week it’s Brockman’s Masters League team (no word on Deuce…
#QFL Franchise Stormtroopers of Quince set the #2 all-time scoring record in week 9 even with zero points from Arian Foster. Rank Total Pts Team Year 1 140.14 FahQ 2012…
Another all-time QFL scoring record was set in week 15. That’s an unprecedented two scoring records set in The QFL in one season. Three if you count Thrice teams. TenQ…
The Revenge of Cox franchise set a Thrice all-time weekly high score record in week 14. The score of 136.2 is the third highest in QFL Nation history. Cox was…
Congratulations FahQ! The defending champion now holds the all-time lowest score record (8 pts) as well as the highest (140 pts). The old scoring record, set by Q/P, stood for…