Thrice Trade Announcement; Possible Updated 2013 Pick Ownership
Vote Quimby sends: Ben Roethlisberger L3 $8 Golden Smoot sends: Wes Welker L2 $8 and Christian Ponder R2 $2
Vote Quimby sends: Ben Roethlisberger L3 $8 Golden Smoot sends: Wes Welker L2 $8 and Christian Ponder R2 $2
The State of QFL Nation is strong. It appears if the NFL can get their shIt together, we will enjoy a Sixth Run For The SuperQuince! For the first time…
Goonie Goo Goo sends Jets D ($3 L2) The Russian Russians send Patriots D ($2 L1) and 2011 2nd Round Pick
Vote Quimby sends Ryan Torain ($1 L1) and 2011 2nd round pick Goonie Goo Goo sends Miles Austin ($1 L2)