LeagueSafe Deposit Due Tonight To Avoid Fine
The deadline to deposit the entry fee (and the estimated transaction fees) into LeagueSafe without additional penalty is tonight. So far only a handful of teams have paid the $400…
The deadline to deposit the entry fee (and the estimated transaction fees) into LeagueSafe without additional penalty is tonight. So far only a handful of teams have paid the $400…
Only two years after bloody war broke out over adoption of LeagueSafe’s early season payment requirement, the QFL is rolling in payments from almost half the league already. Duggan paid…
Pope Paul demanded $400 from each team in QFL1 by October 2 or face hefty late payment fines.
The QFL colonies that didn’t collapse this off-season are holding a round of off-season free agency on Tuesday. No one is sure why it’s not scheduled for Wednesday as is…
Commissioner Berlage “The Bull” called for a vote on using LeagueSafe and when to hold free agency in two separate emails just after midnight last night.
With bank seizure mania taking hold nationwide inquiring minds were wondering how secure the QFL funds are with LeagueSafe, or would be with their rival WePay. So, I emailed the…