Fantasy Enemy Fined $20
The Deuce’s Fantasy Enemy franchise was fined the highest amount possible yesterday for fielding an invalid starting lineup. The $20 fine is usually triggered by starting a bye week kicker,…
The Deuce’s Fantasy Enemy franchise was fined the highest amount possible yesterday for fielding an invalid starting lineup. The $20 fine is usually triggered by starting a bye week kicker,…
From Pope Paul-II. $2 fine for illegal roster. Will, you cut the Falcons defense to get under the cap. Unfortunately that was not a legal move since you must have…
No doubt experiencing severe football withdrawl yesterday, an outraged QBC owner has moved to fined Commissioner Pope Paul I $6 over slow QFL1 payouts.
The BQP franchise was fined $2 for waiving Jacoby Jones on December 2 directly from IR, the team’s first fine of the season. How exactly Shades does this has been…
QFL2 is back from the dead or was it all an elaborate hoax? NOJOQ sends Malcolm Floyd L1-$10 and Miami Dolpins defense L1-$3 Catch 42 sends Joseph Addai L1-$14 These…
The Original Q franchise almost got away with one. The record shows Rishi waiving three players 48 hours after the free agency run last week and no one noticed until…
UPDATE: BQP ACQUITED OF ALL CHARGES! Even Benny and McD agreed two hours after it was already decided. QFL1’s Commissioner Paul is consulting with COMCOMM on an “emergency kicker” executive…
After a days worth of arguing over 100s of emails, Commissioner Berlage was forced to fine himself $6. From The Bull. $2 for not following the unwritten waiver of IR…
Jeez, Radeck leaves for a week and everyone tries their best to scam the system in QFL3. Yesterday Goonie Goo Goo was busted for a roster violation, today Rushing Russians…
The QFL3 franchise, Goonie Goo Goo (2-4), was caught cheating today in an undoubted attempt to game the system while the League Commissioner is out of the country. The team…