Vote Quimby sends: Ben Roethlisberger L3 $8
Golden Smoot sends: Wes Welker L2 $8 and Christian Ponder R2 $2

There is a stipulation that if Wes Welker does not start week 10 for the Patriots, then Golden Smoot will throw in their 2013 2nd round pick. If Wes Welker starts for the Patriots in week 10, this stipulation is removed. (EDIT – Stipulation was removed)

2013 Pick Ownership
Qutane: QuTane 1st, HTizzie 1st, Qutane 2nd
HTizzie: HTizzie 2nd
Quimby: Quimby 1st, Quimby 2nd, RotC 2nd, Qtopia 2nd
RotC: RotC 1st
MexiQ: Qtopia 1st, MexiQ 1st and 2nd
Qtopia: No Picks

By Wiseguy