Established more than a decade ago, the QFL was a pioneer in fantasy sports. However, during its existence, the QFL has quickly fallen off the pedestal of innovator into a sea of old-fashioned operation. Even the looming threat of NBC pulling the plug on AllStarStats has not jolted the league into changing the rules to accommodate a switch to MyFantasyLeague or CBS Sports.

With the recent addition of Benny and Adam B to the Facebook ranks (only three members of the [original] QFL remain Facebook-less. Hans, Ian, and Jim.) it could be the tide is turning away from the technophobia of the past and towards the modern innovations in fantasy football.

Meanwhile, Rishi is said to be checking on the rumor that he started last year, but if A.S.S. does shut down service this year, it will be a huge nightmare for QFL Nation. No service can exactly replace all of the functions provided by A.S.S., most importantly the blind bidding for free agents and waivers as separate weekly processes is something no one else comes close to. For now the site is still up, so maybe the league can drag its feet on a long overdue commissioner host upgrade for another year.