Phi Psi National is lame. First DC Alpha loses their house, now the death sentence? You can go ahead and stop calling my number for donations.

Chapter suspended until 2020

This suspension is due to a variety of substantial risk management concerns and violations stemming back to 2013. Over the past two years, the Chapter has been sanctioned multiple times and investigated for several allegations and incidents that are incongruent with our expectations, including violating social probation, failing to attend mandatory meetings with University administration, and failing to host required programming related to sexual harassment and risk management education.

Additionally, during an administrative search of the Chapter’s townhouse in October 2015, university police confiscated 77 items of contraband ranging from alcohol to prohibited/illegal drugs, substances, or chemicals. The chapter vacated the property it was leasing from the University.

Just goes to show you should never lease your house from the University. Big mistake.