The Deuce plans to re-run week 4 free agency before the game tonight according to private emails received by QSN. Former Commissioner Nik wrote current Commish Dan and recommended the course of action personally. But can it be done in time and fairly within the next 6 hours? Is it even possible to do it that fast from a software standpoint?
Former Commissioner Nik offers his recommendation.
I don’t think the problem is that big…
unwind last night’s FA run completely (and back out everyone’s transaction fees) and fine yourself something you deem appropriate (not just $2). It would affect Sooms, Turds, and myself [and Catch42].
At least a $20 fine.
This was the week 4 transaction history in Deuce.
And don’t worry. That waiver claim on MONDAY was intentional. Yeah the Deuce is doing just fine.
This is not over and its rush-a-homa tonight so better hurry up.