In all honesty it took new Commissioner Dan way longer to royally screw up the League than I thought it would take. But boy is this a good one. It is unclear when, but at some point this season the free agent resolution process was changed from “bidding” to “league standings”. As a result there is mass confusion right now as to the results of week 4 free agency. Several teams are reporting they had no ability to input bid amounts last night but the process ran at 1am as scheduled regardless.
How do we untangle this mess?
As sure as there are exotic pharmaceuticals in his satchel, we can all trust Dan to resolve this quickly and judiciously. At least this is a level down from the original QFL4s playoff seeding fiasco that led to the disolution of that League back in 2010-ish. Stay tuned.
UPDATE @11:18am ET
It was Commissioner Dan who inexplicably changed the setting on Sept 18.
Learn how to fucking post privately you jackasses before I sue for defamation. (The former image is STILL showing up on google images!!!!) I can take your jabs, but membership in Q does not give you authorization or the right to post images or shit that may impede future opportunities when my name is searched!!!! The 20-somethings in our league may not give a shit, but this 41 year old does!!! Hope this shit is still not indexed tomorrow. I will fucking sue!!! Seriously not FUCKING cool!!!