Dan’s first order of business is to purchase a 5-year FanTrax membership for $240 (they offered a lifetime deal for $240 last year btw). Despite the objections of a few owners, the move should save the League 40% over the term of the deal. I say “should” because some question whether FanTrax will go the way of AllStarStats before the savings is realized.
From Anon.
I strongly suggest not to renew for 5 years. The viability of fantrax lasting 3 years is a BIG question. They are for sale.
I was the one who told you all star stats was ending, even when they denied it to seth. 1 year later they closed.
Anon has proven to be a reliable source of fantasy sports insider information in the past.
But as one QFLer put it last year.
Companies that offer lifetime memberships do not stay in business for four years. That being said, considering how difficult it is to find software that meets our league’s needs, the longer we can help fantrax stave off insolvency, the better.