#QFL Franchise Stormtroopers of Quince set the #2 all-time scoring record in week 9 even with zero points from Arian Foster.

Rank Total Pts Team Year
1 140.14 FahQ 2012
2 137.32 SOQ 2013
3 136 Q/P (now TenQ) 2000
4 135 FRNQ 2004
5 122.97 TenQ 2012
6 122 Qunet (now DRQ) 2003
6 122 MastiQate (now OrigQ) 2005
One thought on “SOQ Sets Scoring Record”
  1. I would have beat Shane’s record if Foster hadn’t screwed me by trying to play. Even Tate’s subpar performance would have been enough.

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