Another Thrice trade before the draft. To quote Chase:

Team Al Toon All-Stars (Hasday) just Todd-Akinned me of Jeremy Maclin (L1, $16).

In return, Revenge of the Cox gets Al Toon All-Star’s no. 1 pick (#6 overall).

Update 2012 Rookie Draft Order
First Round
#1. Revenge of the Cox
#2. Raging Alcoholics
#3. Goonie Goo Goo
4. Rushing Russians
5. Qtopia
6. Revenge of the Cox (from Al Toon All Stars)
7. Ron MexiQ
8. Quickly Eliminated (from Vote Quimby)
9. Quickly Eliminated
10. Vote Quimby (from Golden Smoot)
11. Qutane
12. Baltimorons

2nd Round
13. Qtopia (from Revenge of the Cox)
14. Raging Alcoholics
15. Golden Smoot (from Vote Quimby) (from Goonie Goo Goo)
16. Rushing Russians
17. Qtopia
18. Al Toon All Stars
19. Ron MexiQ
20. Vote Quimby
21. Quickly Eliminated
22. Rushing Russians (from Golden Smoot)
23. Qutane
24. Raging Alci (from Baltimorons)

2013 Rookie Draft Pick Ownership
QUtane: QUTane 1st, GGG 1st, QUtane 2nd
GGG: GGG 2nd