OQ’s 10 reasons why Fantrax is better than A.S.S. (and you should get comfortable with the new software):
1. Its interface is about 6 years more advanced than A.S.S., making it perfect for 2005.
2. You can change line ups like fantasy sports offered yahoo.com and espn.com. The number of “I forgot to hit ‘submit line up’ complaints will sky rocket in 2012.
3. The practice squad is easily manageable. You’ll easily be able to hide a player who has already started in the first 4 weeks on your European squad.
4. One button replication for additional QFL leagues. QFL IV through VIII will be ready to go as soon as we find 48 teams.
5. No more rotoworld news blurbs, which will essentially leave QBBC without any fantasy sports-related news source.
6. An upgrade from the A.S.S. heavily secure 4 character maximum password (It is rumored that at one time entering S-H-I-T would give you unfettered access to every team in the QFL. (Ed. Note: my password was qqqq)
7. Conditional tree bids based on logic and reasoning rather than an A.S.S. algorithm.
8. As one of 5 leagues using fantrax, we can expect that Fantrax will be in rush to change so the time we spend learning the system now will be useful for the next ten years.
9. Since everyone is on the new software, no one will be fined for user errors (especially under the rule of Shane the Merciful who wouldn’t fine people anyway).
10. Fantrax introduces a limited message board, essentially putting QSN out of business.
Re: point #5
Fantrax has player updates on the home page.