Perhaps in response to last week’s criticism, Dictator Doug took a “hard line” with several Thrice teams today handing out $8 in fines. Of course in any other QFL League the fines would total $46, but given the League history, this can be considered progress.


From Doug.

Fines for week 8

REVENGE OF THE COX Starting a bye week player (3) 2

AL TOON ALL STARS Starting a bye week player (3) 2

AL TOON ALL STARS 19 man roster after FA (2) 2

QUICKLY ELIMINATED 19 man roster after FA (2) 2

UPDATE (3pm ET): Dictator Doug provided the following response to this post.

I have taken this league from the dark ages into the future. Still, progress has to be made. And though I rule, I do listen to my subjects. This year, fines will be kept in line with how they have been dealt with in the past. At the end of the year, a vote will be offered needing a 3/4’s majority on whether fines will stay as is or move directly in line with QFL 1 and 2. That is all for now.