The crucial position of Commissioner has changed hands with apparently no vote in QFL Thrice. It could be the first successful coup ever in QFL Nation history, but something tells me there will be some kind of “show” vote taken after the fact so the new overlord can point to some last remnant of Constitutional law and order. Once “elected”, you can expect Dictator Doug to hold to the most radical of agendas and put forth the most unpredictable of Constitutional interpretations. Stay tuned it’s going to be a rocky season. I see at least 5 team votes that Dictator Doug can count in his corner in QFL3.
From former QFL3 Commissioner General Radeck, possibly at gunpoint, late Wednesday night.
He will be taking over by game time tomorrow
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The Commish is dead! Long Live the Commish!
In fairness, I think he only has two votes in his pocket.