QFL2 Commissioner and total slacker Pope Paul II just last week released a preliminary version of his League’s 2010 Commissioner Report. Shockingly no one was complaining either. Months ago the 2010 SuperQuince (from QFL3)Â spoke up, but was roundly ignored by everybody.
From Pope Paul II.
This is loooooong overdue and to the winners I deeply apologize. I took on some new responsibilities and kept putting this off.
In the Playoff Pool, Catch was just barely overtaken by Bombers. Turds took home the $150 1st place prize, Bombers got $62.50 for 2nd and Catch got $37.50 for 3rd place. I (Qonies) finished just out of the money….just like the regular season.
Please review the attached report and let me know if anything seems askew.
Briefly, only 3 winners this year after the playoff pool figures:
Quahogs wins $1201.57 (1st place money, SuperQuince $150 bonus, 7 skins- nothing from Playoffs Pool)
Sooms $ 224.45 (2nd place money- no skins or playoff Pool money)
Bing $ 70.06 (3rd place money- no skins, did not play in playoff pool)9 Losers are:
NOJOQ owes $ 6.14 (4th place money, 1 skin, nothing from playoffs pool)
Membrillos owes $ 93.13 (5th place money, 4 skins. nothing from playoffs pool)
Pimps owes $ 120.61 (Loser’s Bracket Prize, no skins, nothing from playoffs pool)
Qonies owes $ 121.88 (1 skin, paid $149 for website, nothing from playoffs pool)
Turds owes $ 176.66 (Won Playoff pool)
Bombers owes $ 247.74 (2nd in playoff pool)
Catch owes $ 270.70 (3rd in playoff pool)
Enemy owes $ 293.43 (no winnings)
Polaq owes $ 315.79 (no winnings)I will also now mail the $150.00 our league owes to the Super Quince winner, Nick Gourevitch.
As I get money in I’ll start mailing out our winners’ checks.
Mail what you owe to Paul D Berlage
7200 Quailhollow Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45243Please keep reading……….
We need to set a date for our 2011 Auction and rookie draft.
QFL nation in general is proceeding with a business as usual approach. Draft and then open up FA and see how the season’s cards fall.
Please respond to this email with A) your intention to return to the league B) any issues with the commish report C) any offers to host the auction (I’ll open with “you’re all welcome to draft at my house in Cincinnati”….I’d be thrilled if that flew) D) any other comments….like berating me for the slow report and ideas for the new season
Every QFL League needs to get their shit together or we risk becoming the next EU of fantasy football, that is, extinct. We can’t let these labor negotiations get us down. We have to at least pretend to have faith that a deal will get done and proceed with business as usual in the QFL.