There is some good news in QFL football today. The third league to follow QFL rules confirmed today that at least 10 team owners are returning for the 2011 season. There was some speculation that the defending SuperQuince was going to take his money and run, but since he probably hasn’t been paid out in full still yet, and he’s got kid #1 due end of July with a nice looking roster of potential keepers, word is he is staying on to defend his title and hopefully earn more cash to pay for diapers.
From defending 2010 SuperQuince Rushing Russians.
i was hoping there wouldn’t be a 2011 NFL season so that i could have a one year reprieve, especially with all the shit that i’m going to be cleaning up this fall.
if you can’t unload my team, i’ll keep it.
Previously the owner of franchise Quickly Eliminated indicated that he may know some people interested in taking on any orphaned franchises, if it came down to it, but as of now it appears QFL3 remains full.
Still up in the air are things like an Auction date, cut deadline and what to do if there is a delayed start season or no NFL season at all in 2011. How far into the summer can a League go without scheduling an Auction before its impossible to organize 12+ douchebag Qs to find one day that works for everybody? Every year previous to this one the Auction date had been scheduled already. It just takes one idiot to get married in August to screw the whole thing up.
No one has heard from QFL2 in months, but that is not unusual…
Some more shoddy reporting….
GoonieGooGoo is the owner deciding which is worse, playing int he QFL or changing diapers all season. He’s also the one who got married last August.
Rushing Russians did win the Super Quince, but he’s been a Dad for almost a year, has been paid, and is playing this season.
And it takes about 15 DoucheQs for our draft to happen, with three franchises being joint ventures.
Thanks Wiseman. I hereby appoint you corresponding secretary for QFL3!
The decision for GoonieGooGoo is a no brainer. How can he even imagine changing diapers all season with NO QFL? That would suck