The QUnet franchise was belatedly fined $20 for an invalid roster violation after starting A.Rodgers over his week 10 bye. The team’s alternative choice was Stafford who was/is injured. The fine is the team’s third of the season totaling $26, exactly $2/skin.

2010 QFL Fine History:

[Editors Note: Wasn’t FRNQ fined for anything?]

BQP $0

8-17-10 [FINE REVOKED BY COMP COMM] $2 fine (for wasting everyone’s
time on account of a failure to follow proper procedures of making FA

TenQ $2
9-9-10 $2 fine for bidding on a player already on a different team

QBC $18

10-8-10 $2 fine for failing to cut to 18
10-8-10 $4 fine for late QFLE designation
10-10-10 $4 for attempting to fix the infraction by sending 3
players to the PS
10-11-10 $8 for not fixing this mess until Monday

QU $6

10-8-10 $2 fine for failing to cut to 18
10-8-10 $4 fine for late QFLE designation


10-8-10 $2 fine for $101 salary

10-8-10 $4 fine for late QFLE designation

11-17-10 $20 fine for starting Rodgers over week 10 bye

OrigQ $26

10-24-10 $20 illegal lineup

10-24-10 $2 standard overcharge

11-3-10 $4 24 hour active roster maximum violation