Reports are reaching QSN that scoring on AllStar Stats in week 2 is incorrect. As of Tuesday morning, scoring for Gore, Colston and Hartley are known to be understated, but there are probably others. The difference is enough to change the outcome in at least one QFL game. The issue was first pointed out by Rishi and later confirmed by Pope Paul.

From Pope Paul.

Stats stopped updating in the first half last night, and they have not been updated. This includes the 3 fantasy points Garrett Hartley and Colston earned for me in the final twenty seconds of MNF that should give me a victory against my hated rival, Rudy.

Lets wait until the end of the day to flood the A.S.S. help desk with complaints.

UPDATE: Shane just chimed in to remind us that we “are kind of under a time deadline to fix it since waivers runs tonight and our standings will need to be correct before that happens so players can be awarded properly.”

Maybe we shouldn’t wait to complain. Scott, you on this? If so, please put in a ticket for all of the Leagues (#s: 0838, 1303 and 0400). The other question, who is Shane claiming tonight? Hmm.

UPDATE 2: Scoring is correct if you go to “live in-game scores” from the scoreboard page.

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