There was no concern a brief scare when Ted disappeared until he later turned up passed out on the bathroom floor. Mostly everyone was worried about the Championship blazer he was wearing, but it will be okay. Otherwise, the QFL’s 12th Annual  Free Agent Auction and Rookie Draft was a big success. Shane was even lucky enough to land Dallas Clark for $17!
The revised QFL Constitution was unanimously adopted including codification of the 3RB/2TE offensive set which was previously missing.
Scott input all players in A.S.S. on his bus ride home.
Pope Paul opened free agency this week and will run it every other week… because he says so…
From Pope Paul.
I hope everyone survived the weekend and is out on bail. I am not sure Rishi left anyone in the free agency pool, but similar to previous years, I am going to open up free agency and waivers before the start of the regular season. HOWEVER, due to the fact that we held our auction so dang early, instead of five full weeks of free agency, we are only going to run free agency every other week. As such, you will find the FA/waivers schedule below. We will use random number tiebreakers until the start of the season:
8/10/10: No Waivers yet.
8/11/10: Free agency bids due at 11:59P.M. to commisionerq at yahoo.com
8/17/10: No Waivers–(wire carries over to next week)
8/18/10: No FA
8/24/10: Waiver claims due at 11:59P.M. to commisionerq at yahoo.com
8/25/10: Free agency bids due at 11:59P.M. to commisionerq at yahoo.com
8/31/10: No Waivers–(wire carries over to next week)
9/1/10: No FA
9/7/10: Waiver claims due at 11:59P.M. to commisionerq at yahoo.com
9/8/10: Free agency bids due at 11:59P.M. to commisionerq at yahoo.com
9/9/10: Thursday night football (make sure rosters are compliant if TNF players are in your lineup).
I’ll post the rookie draft results tonight.