First Trade Of 2016 Announced In #QFL Deuce
Correction. This is the second reported trade of the season. NOJOQ Â send Jonathan Stewart ($3 Q2) Turds send #16 rookie pick in 2016 This is the first recorded June…
Correction. This is the second reported trade of the season. NOJOQ Â send Jonathan Stewart ($3 Q2) Turds send #16 rookie pick in 2016 This is the first recorded June…
After this deal Turds has no more 2014 picks. The Trade. Qonies send Michael Vick T1 $3 Turds send 2014 1st Round Rookie Pick.
The first 2014 pick has changed hands in QFL2. The Trade. TURDS send 2014 2nd round pick Membrillos sends Jaquizz Rodgers
The Trade. NOJOQ sends #2 overall rookie pick Turds send #5 overall rookie pick and the #17 overall rookie pick In addition, Turds agree to nominate Calvin Johnson with the…
The Trade. Seattle: Deep Fried Turduckins —> Sooms Squad Jones, James: Sooms Squad —> Deep Fried Turduckins Tampa Bay: Sooms Squad —> Deep Fried Turduckins
It’s fashionable to trample on the Constitution these days, even in QFL-II. Deuce’s new Commissioner passed on the opportunity to completely screw the Deep Fried Turds franchise this morning and…
The trade. Turds send Kendall Wright $1, R1 Membrillos send Robert Turbin $1, R1
The Deuce Commissioner announced a trade late last night, the League’s only trade in the last two weeks. The Trade. NOJOQ sends his 2012 2nd round rookie pick, Roddy White…
Deuce’s fifth trade announcement in two weeks. The Trade. NOJOQ sends Pats D ($2 L2) plus James Starks ($2 L2) TURDS send Joseph Addai ($7 L1)
Membrillos sends Maclin S2-$2, Sidney Rice L2-$3, Membrillos 2011 2nd round rookie pick Deep Fried Turds send J Charles O-$4, Tamme L1-$2 From Commissioner Berlage. This was an 11th hour…