QBC Moves To Fine Pope Paul Over Slow Payouts
No doubt experiencing severe football withdrawl yesterday, an outraged QBC owner has moved to fined Commissioner Pope Paul I $6 over slow QFL1 payouts.
No doubt experiencing severe football withdrawl yesterday, an outraged QBC owner has moved to fined Commissioner Pope Paul I $6 over slow QFL1 payouts.
Did you know transaction fees are $3 in the playoffs? Well they are. Rule 20 Section 2 Article 1. Speculation is that “Pope” Paul slipped it in there with this…
Pope Paul relented and allowed the SOQ and TenQ trade to go thru, admitting that a pick is different than a player and by trading back a pick within 3…
Pope Paul’s email to QFL1 today serves as a good reminder to all of QFL Nation that the 16-18 player roster compliance rule is about to kick in next Thursday,…
UPDATE (3): SCORING FIXED. PLACE YOUR CLAIMS TONIGHT AS USUAL Reports are reaching QSN that scoring on AllStar Stats in week 2Â is incorrect. As of Tuesday morning, scoring for…
Only two years after bloody war broke out over adoption of LeagueSafe’s early season payment requirement, the QFL is rolling in payments from almost half the league already. Duggan paid…
Pope Paul demanded $400 from each team in QFL1 by October 2 or face hefty late payment fines.
QFL1’s Commissioner “Pope” Paul announced this morning that no waiver claims had been placed last night and that free agency bidding was on track for tonight.
Panic was sweeping the QFL before Pope Paul’s email over procedures to correct roster violations in the off-season and who got who in free agency last night as the 24…
Pope Paul passes the buck… for two bucks. Shade’s appeal for leniency on his screwed up free agency bid didn’t go well with the Commissioner. But the Pope did allow…