Unanimous call for COMCOMM to get involved and turn this into a shit show. Commissioner Doug likely abusing his position of authority and colluding with the defending SuperQuince to land the latter a highly coveted free agent. This is important QFL Nation precedent.

This mornings casual sounding bombshell from Commissioner Doug.

Quick note on the FA running from last night. I tried to create a tree bid which didn’t go as planned. See the attached for what I was trying to do with my tree bid. Bottom line is that I didn’t want Asiata and Johnson if I picked up Peterson. But did want Johnson and Asiata if I did not get Peterson. I’m sure there is a way to correctly capture this, but my entries did not work out that way.

Due to this, Asiata should have gone to Quimby. I’ll be making the updates today, but wanted to put the leage on notice so there weren’t any rumblings of shady dealings.

Lets take a closer look
Lets take a closer look

Seriously, who takes a screen grab of their free agency bids? Unless… you kinda figured in advance that you might need them. Is this a situation where the type of bid Doug wanted to place wasn’t possible using the software? And if so, what can be the remedy after the fact? What if Quimby had also placed a tree bid involving Asiata requiring that bid to be unwound and causing all kinds of havoc and extra work for everybody, however exciting and controversial it may be. Everyone is saying how Doug should resign as Commissioner over this.

One thought on “Shady Dealings in #QFL Thrice”
  1. He has to live with the FA results…..no backing it up. If he made a mistake, it’s his own and he has to deal with it, not avoid consequences because he is the commish.

    Hasn’t the NFL taught us anything about taking responsibility?

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