Only in #QFL Nation would these kinds of votes be considered necessary. The two new last-minute rule changes being considered by QFL general membership are possibly the stupidest ever put up to a vote. Why bother with this crap? Just get a dictator to EXO it. Voting to be completed by midnight tonight.

Rule Change Summary:
1 – Allow Leagues flexibility in how they align divisions.
2 – Allow “someone” to update the QFL Constitution

From Commissioner Rishi.

1. Modify Rule 24, Section 7, Article 2 to allow newly formed parallel leagues to override QFL divisional alignment in its formation year and implement its own divisional alignment for the first four years. Such newly formed parallel league shall vote to agree on how their league initially should be organized by its first Auction date and announce such organization to QFL governance. If such parallel league cannot agree, such league will comply with Rule 24, Section 7, Article 2

Commissioner’s 2 cents: For QFL parallel leagues, we are finding that owners are usually coming in as individuals who don’t know others in the league or as groups of 2-3 owners who know each other. This will allow new leagues to form divisions in their first year based on friendship, which hopefully means increased rivalries, increased team retention. After four years it reverts back to our standard

If anyone has a differing opinion, please email the league.

2. Allow League to vote on the revised Constitution at some point between 7/15 and the auction, and implement such revisions effectively immediately.

Commissioner’s 2 cents: This should be non-controversial. It is a QFL housekeeping issue. In years past, the QFL membership has voted to adopt revised versions of the Constitution (usually just prior to the auction). However, with the “July 15 rule change” rule on the books, Paul has said he will not be able to get a draft revised Constitution distributed, reviewed and adopted before the deadline. This will not change any rule that has been agreed prior to 7/15–it will ensure that the rules established on that date are accurately stated with the Constitution.

If anyone has a differing opinion, please email the league.

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