Movers & Shakers QFL Week 1 Edition
Around QFL Nation QFL: The defending QFL Champion TenaciousQ franchise led all teams in QFL Nation scoring with 101.89. Three of the top four scoring teams came from the original…
Around QFL Nation QFL: The defending QFL Champion TenaciousQ franchise led all teams in QFL Nation scoring with 101.89. Three of the top four scoring teams came from the original…
Speculation around QFL circles is Benny is too shellshocked from the Peyton Manning fallout to run his team right now. He hasn’t even made an attempt to sign another QB…
The last pre-season round of free agency completed last night for QFL1 with uno tie that actually was broken to my advantage. Keiland Williams. Championship. Berlage released results for Deuce…
The crucial position of Commissioner has changed hands with apparently no vote in QFL Thrice. It could be the first successful coup ever in QFL Nation history, but something tells…
The first round of Thrice free agency was held last night, a night earlier than normal, but whatever….
QSN painstakingly aggregated QFL Nation’s rookie drafts to come up with a fantasy football rookie-draft only ADP. Mark Ingram was the consensus #1 overall pick. Daniel Thomas and Julio Jones…
The QFL3 rookie draft finally ended with Quickly Eliminated’s pick of Johnny White at 6:19 Monday, 4 days after the Auction finished. 2011 QFL Thrice Rookie Draft Results 1.QTopia –…
The QFL3 rookie draft is moving right along over email. Last night the League started round 2 with QTopia’s pick of Jake Locker. Ron MexiQ is up next.
The Fifth Annual Thrice Auction was a success by all accounts which is unbelievable given the drama leading up to it. The ESPN online auction completed around 8:45 and the…
And the dual for Taiwan Jones goes to….